Traumatic Incident Response

Whether the result of a natural or industrial disaster, workplace violence, or your employees' day-to-day responsibilities, any traumatic incident requires a swift, supportive response.

woman sitting on floor

What is traumatic incident response?

A traumatic incident response program connects employees with experts to normalize and educate on natural post-trauma responses. This support allows people to process the adverse event and guides employees toward healthy outlets for managing the impact of trauma, reducing the risk that trauma goes unprocessed and unresolved.

The Atlantic OccuPsych difference

Unlike group-based support offered by other occupational health providers, licensed psychologists from Atlantic OccuPsych work one-on-one with employees. This allows individuals to process incidents in a safe, supportive setting without potentially causing greater harm.

Our team can tailor a program to suit your workforce's needs and be ready to provide support. This can include:

  • Confidential, friendly, individual sessions with a expert mental health professional to help normalize the experience and help employees cope
  • Consultations with leadership to better understand typical responses and warning signs

Contact Atlantic OccuPsych for immediate assistance—or to discuss traumatic incident response planning before you need it.

Contact Us for More Information

Find out how Atlantic OccuPsych can support your workplace, department or community. Contact us today.